Robert Fransgaard

Applying traditional creative methodologies to digital design


In 2007 I went to a talk with David Lynch and Donovan at the BFI. First up was Lynch, then Donovan. After Lynch was finished most of the audience left. They were all film professionals or film students and cared only about Lynch’s experience with the film industry.

They all missed the great, intimate concert with Donovan that followed. They missed a chance to be inspired, a chance to learn.

My talk will focus on how we as the Digital Experience Professionals can learn from other industries and aspects of life.

About Robert

With a background in traditional design, art and typography I’ve made a career of becoming digital and constantly adapt within the violent, crashing waves of the ocean that is the Internet.

I’ve been part of the London digital industry since the last millennia and have moved across experience design, digital marketing and social media. Through different channels, with different clients, in different times I have been able to provide the right solutions.

In short: I am a digital Winston Wolfe: I solve problems.

Video of Robert’s talk:

Slides from Robert’s talk:

Sketchnotes from Robert’s talk:
@chrisspalton’s sketchnotes